RC Peck

RC Peck is a certified Financial Planner (CFP), a Registered Investment Advisor and a Master NLP practitioner. RC Peck is also the author of Fearless Wealth, Simple Steps to Growing and Harvesting Money.

RC Peck is the founder of Fearless Wealth, a San Francisco-based investment education company that delivers unique workshops, training and presentations to the public and companies worldwide. His passion is giving people the facts, the tools and the specific steps necessary to become self-sufficient at managing and understanding their money. However, RC's approach is not what one might expect. He starts where people look last - at themselves. He believes that growing one's money has to start with one's behaviors about money.

Born in Cincinnati, he started trading his own account when he was 15 years old. Since then he's traded commodities in New York City; designed an investment method that protects and grows money more efficiently than Wall Street; and has interviewed hundreds of traders, investors and millionaires on four continents for one purpose - to find out what works. Based on his ten years of financial research, RC published Fearless Wealth Simple Steps to Grow and Harvest Your Money and founded Fearless Wealth Workshops in 1997. You can find RC's work on his website at FearlessWealth.com.

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RC Peck's Guest Appearances

Fearless Wealth, With RC Peck

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 8, 2019

Most investment strategies being used today just plain don’t work. The big box advisor approach or the do it yourself “pick of the month” newsletter approach. They stopped working in the late ‘90s.

The above are fine for those who want to never think about their investments or get smaller returns, or those who want to actively trade every day and significantly underperform the market. But the fact is there’s a huge difference between doing what’s best for your investments and doing what feels right. It turns out, what feels right often puts your future in financial peril.

Fearless Wealth is different. Investment expert, RC Peck, joins Adam to share with you proven strategies for creating Fearless Wealth.


  • What your money trying to tell you and why you aren’t able to hear it;
  • How the “earnings world” is so different from the “growth world”;
  • Why people have taught to put themselves at the center of their money and investing;
  • Why pictures are best to filter out all the hype and noise in the world of money;
  • How words are keeping us poor;
  • And so much more.

If you’re ready to put your money to work for you and create your own Fearless Wealth, tune in!