Bouncing Back After Losing $50M, With Rod Khleif

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on November 2, 2021

Rod Khleif lost everything in the market crash in 2008; $50 million in real estate.

He lost the beach-front mansion, his Mercedes… all the stuff that ultimately doesn’t matter, but that is quite painful to lose.

He had made the mistake of buying single family homes to hold long term and cross collateralize them with his multifamily properties. The multifamily properties did fine, but the single-family homes pulled his entire portfolio down.

But the opportunity in the crisis was key lessons learned. Rod joins Adam to share some of these key lessons.


  • How to handle losing a ton of money;
  • Why Rod refers to failures as “seminars;
  • How to pick yourself up and make a comeback after a huge failure;
  • The keys to success;
  • And so much more!

Tune in and listen to how one man lost it all, but built it back up.


About This Guest: ()

Rod Khleif is a multiple business owner and philanthropist who is passionate about entrepreneurship and giving back. As one of the country’s top business, real estate, and peak performance luminaries, Rod has owned over 2,000 homes and apartment buildings and has built over 22 businesses in his 40 year career, several which have been worth tens of millions of dollars.