Jeff Skipper

Jeff Skipper is an international change leadership consultant for organizations in energy, finance, technology, and other industries. For over twenty-five years, beginning with a twelve-year career at IBM, he has guided change projects by focusing on the people side of change. As CEO he grew a transformation services company to seven figures in just five years. He and his family live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His new book is Dancing with Disruption: Leading Dramatic Change During Global Transformation.

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Jeff Skipper's Guest Appearances

6 Tips for Leading Change: The End is the Beginning, With Jeff Skipper

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on November 16, 2023

Everyone knows that change is never-ending. Media continues to tell us that change is HARD. It’s a lie. We are constantly adapting. Our role as leaders is to demonstrate how people can take everyday adaptation and apply it to their work to drive higher levels of resilience. A step-by-step approach is required.

It’s too easy to get caught up in action and lose sight of the one aspect that has the greatest influence on the success or failure of leading change: The potential for resistance. Resistance is one side of the coin called emotional energy. Harnessing it effectively enables change leaders to get returns on their projects FAST.

Jeff Skipper has been coaching organizations and leaders on successful transformations for over 25 years. He shares six critical tips every leader needs to know to get fast returns from the constancy of change, including how to:

> Create motivational narrative around a singular goal.
> Predict the most probable point of resistance.
> Communicate for action over objection.
> Convert reluctance to resilience.
> Leverage leader capital and self-interest to align interests.
> Sustain change when the going gets tough.

Tune in to hear Jeff Skipper’s thoughts on:

  • What is the most critical intervention during transformational change?
  • What do leaders do when they have to go back on their commitments? i.e., the scope changes, the date changes, or they have to abandon the change?
  • Why do people perceive change to be hard?
  • What do leaders commonly get wrong when rolling out a change?
  • What do you do with people who just won’t buy into the change?
  • What is the wrong way to deal with resistance?
  • Why did global leaders fail to get compliance across the board during the pandemic?
  • Why isn’t training enough to help people prepare for a change?
  • You mention that middle managers are particularly critical when aiming for quick transformation. Why?
  • And much, much more!