Michele Colon

Dr. Michele Summers Colon is a holistic podiatrist, Ayurvedic specialist and yoga health coach in the Greater Los Angeles area. Dr. Michele is also an author and the creator of Body Wisdom: 10 Weeks to Transformation so You Can Get and Feel Healthy Again, a program which combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine. Dr. Michele found Ayurveda and yoga to be the keys to health on her own personal health journey.

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Michele Colon's Guest Appearances

Ayurveda In The Modern, 24/7 World, With Michele Colon

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on February 16, 2016 0 Comments

Michele Colon

As an entrepreneur, you know what it feels like to come to the end of the day exhausted. More often than not, the demands of running your own business and creating a healthy personal life, leave you deplete of energy or motivation. Drawing from her wealth of expertise in both Eastern and Western medicines, Dr. Michele will talk with us about the role of coaching in helping busy entrepreneurs get healthy again and live the life that they deserve while remaining energized, motivated, and inspired. She’ll talk with us about everything from getting better sleep to healthy eating on-the-go.