Rewire Your Brain to Master a New Habit or Skill, With Meredith Bell

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 20, 2016 0 Comments

“They” say if you do something for 21 days it will become a habit. And maybe “they” are right.meredith-photo-2016

21 days is a long time to try to do something new when your brain is hardwired to do something else.

It is a proven fact that habits and thoughts create pathways in your brain that allow for repetitive actions, thoughts, habits to be automatic.

So if you want to create new habits or learn new things, you need to create new pathways…or rewire your brain.

Join Adam Hommey and Meredith Bell and learn what you can do to make new habits, learn new skills and create the life/business you want.

About This Guest: ()

Meredith Bell has been an entrepreneur since 1982, and she’s an expert in helping leaders and team members improve the way they communicate with each other. Meredith is co-founder and President of Performance Support Systems, a global software company based in Virginia. Their award-winning assessment and development tools are used by business consultants, leadership coaches and human resource professionals to support ongoing improvements in performance. Meredith and her two business partners have worked together for 30 years, and many of their clients have done business with them for more than 20 years. Meredith is the author of two books and host of the Strong for Performance Podcast.